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282 Responses to Old Forum – Historical Only

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  • Hi Leonie, a large dhufish identical to the wembley one was made by Diana,the difference being only the colours used and the makers mark which for Diana (as far as I can remember )was V100.

  • Hi I was just wondering if anyone could tell me the rough price for a wembly ware large Dhufish vase is worth? It does not have the marking of a stamp like the rest I have seen but it has been in the family for an extremely long time. Any information would be much appreciated thank you

    • I stand to be corrected but my guess is that the 28cm dhufish vase in good condition is probably worth around $200. Once again I recommend that you check on EBay to see what amount is being paid for this item at the moment as a dhufish vase is listed for auction quite often. I like the idea that your dhufish has been in the family for a very long time and I think it is wonderful for a family to have such a special item. If you could find out how it came to be in your family and who owned it this would add so much to its personal value. Regards, Susan

  • Hello Eileen.
    Thank you for your message. I love the budgie ashtray and it is popular. Your mother must have taken good care of it. I think that one in good condition as yours is, would be of interest to a wide range of buyers. How nice that this ashtray has been in your family for a long time and now it is yours. It is not appropriate for us to give a valuation for any item, I’m sorry. However as collectors do report an increase in value of Wembley Ware over the years, it may be worthwhile hanging on to your budgies for a while yet.
    Best wishes

  • Have recently inherited an ash tray from my late mother. It is an ash tray with kissing budgies and has a Wembley hallmark. I remember this ash tray from my childhood in the late 1950s. Have no idea on value. Surprisingly, it is in very good condition. Can you advise on resale value?

  • Hi

    I have two ash trays one with the budgies on it perfect condition but I have no idea of it’s value the ash tray has a brown dog on it perfect condition and yet again I have no idea of value. Can anyone help?

    • Hello Doris
      I think there are a couple of budgie ashtrays for auction on eBay at the moment so you could look there to see what price they are reaching. It is so hard to pin down an actual value for these items as they seem to fluctuate. There is one thing which can be said with certainty and that is if there are 2 items for sale, the one in perfect original condition will be worth more than anything damaged.
      Paul Bisby’s 2007 Price Guide shows the highest price acheived for each of 244 items and this can be useful.
      I wonder if you live in U.K. Doris? If so it would be interesting to hear about how you came to have Wembley Ware, the pottery from Subiaco in Western Australia? Thank you.

  • Hi I have just come across a ashtray that is wembley has a tree stump to hold matches and a man dressed in black with bowler hat on lying fishing
    Can u tell me value ( I have a rough idea but would like ur opinion)
    And if anyone interested email me and I can email pics … It does have a crack across the lustre but a beautiful piece

    • Hello Joanne. As has been mentioned on this blog previously, it is very hard to put a value on these items. You could say that an item is worth what anyone is prepared to pay for it really, which is not very helpful to you I’m afraid. There are always Wembley Ware items listed for sale on eBay auction, and I suggest you get an idea of prices there. A handy guide is ‘Wembley Ware Collector’s Price Guide’ by Paul Bisby. His 2007 edition lists the highest price paid for each particular item and the date of the sale. The item you describe is called by Paul ‘Swaggie Asleep Fishing’, and he lists the price for it as $635.00 in 2006.
      When you say that there is a crack across the lustre, just check to make sure that this is not actually the fishing line running across the water, as the fishing line has been mistaken for a crack in the past.
      I hope that you keep up your interest in Wembley Ware. Thank you for your question.

  • I have a small ashtray with a koala (brown dish, tan log, grey koala – all with slight lustre). It is not marked and I wonder if it is Wembley or a simile? Years ago I had some great yellow cups with a picture of a factory and Wunderlich written on them. These must have been the pottery at Subiaco? Thanks Sandra

  • I have a few Wembley Ware items one of them being the Jumping Fish.

    It is missing a small piece of the end of his tail and I was wondering how this would affect the value . I also have a Rabbit on Lettuce Leaf with Tomatoes and a Angel Fish which is cream in colour with black stripes on a green stand which I haven’t been able to find any information on.

    I would greatly appreciate hearing from you regarding these items.

    Thanking You, Leonie


  • Hi Max,I can only offer you the same advice that I gave to Gemma in the previous blog,we need pictures,wembley ware made many different vases and many variations.If it is a round shape then measurements are required also,plus the condition of the item,you can use the same email that I gave to Gemma (alas who still has not replied,probably because of a busy Christmas ).Ebay can be used as a guide but you must remember that it is an auction site and not a shop,so prices can vary widely depending on how many people want the same item,so send os photo’s and we will do our best to answer your question.
    From all of us at the society,we hope that your Christmas day was everything that you wished for and that 2012 will be peaceful,healthy and prosperous for you and your family.

  • Hi would anyone know how much is a wembley ware green plain vase worth? and also a set of 6 coloured desert dishes?

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